The Japan Foundation, Sydney respects your privacy. All information collected is entirely confidential and will not be distributed, disclosed or traded with anyone without your consent.

Information about you that may be gathered

  • When signing up for our email bulletin
  • When contacting us for information
  • When entering our competitions

The only details we will collect are those you choose to supply us with at the time of requesting information, signing up for updates, or entering competitions and the like. The Japan Foundation, Sydney will have sole access to any data you supply and used only to provide the services you have requested of us.

Data collection for statistical purposes
We gather this data to determine which parts of our websites are the most popular, where our visitors are going, and how much time they spend there. Rest assured, your personal information is safe with us and used only for statistical purposes.

(Un)Solicited emails
The Japan Foundation, Sydney will not send you emails unless you have first given your consent.
If you have signed up to our mail magazine, full details on how to unsubscribe will be included in every email bulletin.

If you have any concerns regarding privacy issues, or anything else, please contact us at jffau[at]